Company today

Oriented to the future

Our employees

The greatest actual treasure and value of every company are the workers. Therefor, we put great focus on education and care for our workers. More than 50 employees are the guaranty for the future and success of our company.

The company employs developers, operators and servers on CNC machining. In the locksmith we employ turners, grinders and cutters, and welders with all certificates.










grinders and cutters







Grinders and cutters


Business strategy

Our business strategy is focused on expanding the product range, production modernization and acquiring new export markets. Our desire is to meet a wider range of consumers, and we can achieve that only by continuous monitoring of their movement, desires and needs. Understanding our customers is the basis for the development of new products, and we strive to offer a superior quality and value. We constantly take care of the market needs, never making trade-offs in quality and tradition.

Business vision

Our Business Vision is to be a creator of modern business trends in manufacturing, sales, warehousing, distributing and representing in the rail road industry. On the market, we strive to remain recognizable for quality relationship with customers, top quality goods and services, high innovation, expressed social responsibility and ethical business. Thus, we want to confirm and maintain our position in the metal processing business for many years coming. A real leader in the Croatian, and one of the bigger players on the EU market.

ISO 9001 | ISO 14001

Environmental and quality management policy

We are focused on customer needs and customer satisfaction performed work, meeting deadlines and quality products as well as to take care about the environment, preserving natural resources and energy efficiency. These are the most important values by which the manufacturing company Šela measures and determines its overall performance in the field of developing, metal processing, laminating and production of technical sealants

Employing a professional and ambitious staff that will have all opportunities and obligations which are constantly developed and improved
Continuously improving the technological equipment and developing partnerships with customers and suppliers
Continuously reducing negative environmental impact and investing in pollution prevention systems
Continuous monitoring of global trends in production and implementation on our own business
Setting ambitious, measurable and achievable goals
Implementing and continuously improving the effectiveness of management systems based on the requirements of international standards ISO 9001 and ISO 14001