Name of the project
„Development of an innovative device for protection against an atmosphere contaminated by chemical, biological and nuclear pollution”; project code: KK.
User: Šela proizvodnja d.o.o.
Partner: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Shipbuilding, University of Zagreb
Short description of the project
The implementation of this project enabled the development of air purification devices from chemical, biological or nuclear pollution. The development of the device involved the construction of an efficient atmosphere filtering system that guarantees a high level of air quality. A tested and highly reliable method for protection against the penetration of contaminated atmosphere into the protected space was applied. The device is primarily intended for the protection of smaller spaces, especially households, located near large polluters or next to infrastructure with a high degree of risk of environmental incidents with negative consequences on air quality.
The implementation of the project took place in two phases, and the period of implementation of each phase was as follows:
- Industrial research 01.07.2020. – 01.07.2022.
- Experimental development: 01.07.2022. – 01.07.2023.
The project consisted of the following project activities:
- A1 Industrial research;
- A2 Experimental development;
- Dissemination of research results;
- PM Project Management;
- PV Promotion and visibility.
Objectives and expected results of the project
The aim of the project was the development of an innovative device for protection against an atmosphere contaminated by chemical, biological and nuclear pollution through the investment of Users and Partners in research and development activities within the thematic priority area “Security”, the sub-thematic area “Defence technologies and dual-purpose products” in cooperation with a scientific research organization (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Shipbuilding in Zagreb).
The main goal of the project was the development and adaptation of the components (device housing, engine with turbine, filter assembly, sensors, control system, battery, electronics and control system) and connecting them into a functional prototype of the new device. The secondary goal of the project is to increase the company’s capacity for research and development activities, establish effective cooperation with the scientific and research sector, and create a prerequisite for future innovation development activities.
The implementation of the project has a positive impact on the User’s business for several reasons, as follows:
- a) Increasing investment in research and development (the company has not invested in R&D until now, while through this project the company invested its own EUR 797,872.35 in development activities);
- b) Establishing effective cooperation with the scientific and research sector;
- c) Transition of the company by introducing a new branch of production through a combination of own R&D, engineering and production capacities;
- d) Introducing a new, innovative product to the market;
- e) Introducing a new product into the company’s assortment;
- f) Increasing future revenues from the sale of a new product;
- g) Increase in exports from the sale of a new product;
- h) Increasing the number of employees;
- i) Creation of future capacities for research and development.
By implementing and realizing this project, the User has protected intellectual property:
- Device patent application;
- Trademark application to protect the visual identity and brand of the device.
The total value of the project and the amount co-financed by the EU (in EUR)
- The total value of the project is 2,716,882.45
- Total value of the project (eligible costs) €2,450,217.41
- The share of the EU in financing the project amounts to 1,805,613.26€
Project implementation period
01.07.2020. – 01.07.2023.
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